Pretty Unique Cheese...
I enjoyed this brand of cheese on a regular basis. This picture is or was the last remaining one I could find in the city. Three out of the four major grocery stores carried this mighty little cheese and now none do. They all have discontinued it from their regular stock! If I had known this I would have savoured the flavour and ration it. Nonetheless possibly it might resurface somewhere unexpectedly. And to my surprise I will purchase it and be happy once more... it is only cheese, I know. I luuuuv cheese! Perhaps I was a mouse in a past life. Or I was a cheesemaker.
Through Twitter I was in contact with the Cheshire Cheese Company and they said that they did make some cheese under the P.U.C brand and that they do not have direct distribution, yet, in Canada. You can click here to find out more about them and drool until your heart is content! - JW