Sunday, 24 May 2015

Food Photo of the Day ~ Saturday Pizza Night

Often on Saturday evenings we have pizza night. We make the dough, we pick the ingredients and we assemble our delicious humble pizza pie. Making homemade pizza is an easy way to get the kidlets into the kitchen and control fat and salt levels. Also it is great way to use up leftover pasta sauce and those remaining veggies that are at the week's end.    

Here is my daughter lending a hand and putting her touches to one of two pies we created.  

You need a fair bit of muscle to cheese this pizza and she does such a great job!  

Food picture of the day may be a regular permanent post here. I can see it being more of a random post than an everyday post. It sort of goes hand in hand with my random (food) thoughts. Ultimately, it is just another way for me to share. 

Enjoy the sunshine everyone! - JD