Last week I was looking around the usual places for cookbooks when I found this one. The Crêpe Book by Susan Herbert; Illustrated by Dennis Redmond; second printing 1976, Owlswood Productions. So when this weekend's breakfast request was crepes I knew exactly what book to reach for. I most often, if not always, use the Nigella Lawson recipe for crêpes. This cookbook is only 64 pages and has an introduction "know how" to crêpes. Stating that "the crêpe pan is essential". I don't own a crêpe pan. I use a smaller fry pan and I make wonderful crêpes! Honestly this is the one kitchen item I have passed up many times. That being said would I like one, yes... just for the absolute frivolousness! Until that day comes the fry pan works great. This book has helpful tips on how to fold and serve crêpes. I usually roll mine. I think that is the most popular way on doing it. Other ways are to fold, pocket, wedge and mound. The recipes include breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner ideas using crêpes. Pretty much letting your imagination run wild on how you can serve up an attractive meal.

I started with the basic crêpe recipe. The recipe called for the batter to be refrigerated for an hour. I didn't do that. I used the batter straight away and as you can see from the above photo they turned out fine. Mine were filled with mixed berries and whip cream on top with a dash of cinnamon sugar. So delicious! Not bad for not having a crêpe pan. - JW