Wednesday, 22 February 2012


When I see the word paprika two things pop into mind: deviled eggs and Hungary. I have got my spice on for Spanish Smoked Paprika. I have been using it quite a bit with my cooking. Although there is a spicy and *very spicy* I was only able to find mild. Because of that I tend to use a heavy hand when dishing out this spice.

Paprika is made from ground dried bell peppers or chili peppers. And is used to colour or flavour any dish. This mighty spice is produced in many countries such as Hungary, Serbia, Spain and America. Hungary being the major source. In North America paprika is mostly used to garnish. Whereas in Europe it it mostly used to season sausages, goulash, rice dishes, stews and soups. The latter is exactly how I like to use paprika. I have read that if you gently heat paprika in oil it brings out the flavour. The Netherlands is another major producer and distributor of paprika. The peppers used to make paprika are high in Vitamin C. Paprika retains so much Vitamin C it contains more Vitamin C, by weight, than lemon juice. High in Vitamin C and antioxidants. No wonder I use it whenever I can.
What is your spice? - jw

© photo by Jacqueline Williams