Friday, 27 March 2020

Eating For Victory & Make Do And Mend

Although these are reproductions, the advice, tips and ideas are timeless no matter what people or nations may be facing around the world at this time. My purchase, many years ago in England, may have been innocently novel however has become a substantial reference and guide throughout these past days and weeks and will continue to do so during these uncertain times. We must do our part, stay home and stay safe.

On a side note... I follow, Jack Monroe, on Twitter and urge you to check out Jack's "Lockdown Larder", helping people create meal options on a budget, with random ingredients or whatever limited food options and ingredients they are dealing with during this difficult time. Really helpful information and tasty recipes with simple ingredients!    

The four recipes I'm sharing from Eating For Victory are typed how it is written/presented in the book. Slight variations for an Anzac Biscuit recipe can be found online or quite possibly in a cookbook you may own - if you are looking for a recipe to accommodate your measurements and ingredients. As for the other recipes depending on what ingredients you have in your pantry plus being creative... altering a recipe slightly may work. The Wheatmealies recipe is so simple and basic and can be for breakfast or dessert with a few modifications, again depends on what you have in your pantry. The emphasis is on few or limited ingredients to create a meal.       


3 oz. margarine
3 oz. sugar
1 tablespoon syrup
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
2 tablespoons hot water
3oz. plain flour
1/2 lbs. rolled oats

Cream margarine and sugar. Add syrup and vanilla essence. Dissolve bicarbonate of soda in hot water and add. Add flour and then oats to give a stiff consistency. Place teaspoons of the mixture on a tray 2 inches a part and cook in a moderate oven for 20 minutes. Makes 36 biscuits. 

Notes: By syrup it means golden syrup. 


Cut bread into small dice not more the 1/4 inch thick. Spread on flat tin and bake until quite crisp. Serve with milk and sugar or with stewed fruit. 


8oz. cooked mashed potatoes
8 oz. mixed cooked vegetables, chopped
2 oz. chopped cooked bacon
salt and pepper
1 oz. fat for frying (use bacon fat)

Mix all the ingredients together. Melt the fat in a fry pan and fry the mixture on both sides till well browned, about 15 minutes.

NOTE. - If no cooked vegetables are available, 1 lb. cooked mashed potatoes may be used.


1. 2 oz. grated cheese
2. 2 oz. chopped cooked meat
3. 2 oz. flaked cooked fish


2 oz. margarine or lard
1/2 lb plain flour
pinch of salt
2 oz. sugar
1/2 teaspoon mixed spice
3oz. chopped dried fuit
1/4 pint milk and water
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

Rub the margarine or lard into the flour and salt. Add the sugar, spice and dried fruit and mix well. Add the milk and water and vinegar and beat well. Lastly, mix in the soda dissolved in a little warm water and turn the mixture into a greased 6 inch tin. Bake in a moderate oven for 3/4 hour. 

Notes: the phrase "moderate oven" may mean at a temperature of 350ºF to 375ºF (180ºC to 190ºC). 

Hope everyone is good and will try and have a lovely weekend. - JD